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Watching a Movie


Studio 22 continually strives to promote education, ambition, and quality in Northwestern filmmakers.

We fund seven to eight student films a year, all showcased at the end of each school year. We aim to produce ambitious, high-quality student films and serve as an active agent in the development of Studio 22 projects.

Studio 22 exists to serve and challenge the film community in all aspects and to provide opportunities to experiment in filmmaking, as well as to develop networks with alumni and film professionals. We also provide educational opportunities via workshops and speakers, and we aim to introduce new filmmakers to the industry.

Meet the board!

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Leela Malladi


Ananya Paul

Industry Co-Chair

Ananya Paul (she/her) is a sophomore majoring in RTVF and Entrepreneurship. She is the Industry Co-Chair at Studio 22. She is an old-school workaholic passionate about movies, nature, and matcha.

Owen Polley

Finance Co-Chair

Maira Walker

Education & Accountability Chair

Ashley Qiu

Public Relations Co-Chair

Ashley is a junior studying RTVF, Data Science, and Integrated Marketing. She's very excited to be doing marketing and PR with Goldie and can't wait for Studio22 to be a name everyone recognizes on campus. When she's not busy making countless Canva graphics, she's probably somewhere in Norris, either working at Artica or enjoying an acaí bowl

Lily Kaplan

Script Development Co-Chair

Matthew Moseley


Matthew's an RTVF major and BIP minor from Houston, Texas. After serving on the board for a year as a CommE/PR chair, he's thrilled to work with Jackson and the rest of Studio 22 to make even more fantastic films and spectacular events. Matthew's also proud to have produced the feature length film MIXED SIGNALS with Applause for a Cause '22-'23, and can't wait to see what's in store for NECRO 101. He's passionate about self-improvement, reading, absolutely any HBO original series, and Texas BBQ.

Caleb Mann

Industry Co-Chair

Aaron Onish

Film Manager

Mia Bassett

Community Engagement Co-Chair

Mia is a second year RTVF student who is also pursuing the Integrated Marketing Communications certificate. You can often find her on sets as a cinematographer or hammocking on the lakefill. Mia loves her role as Community Engagement Co-Chair in which she provides a space for the RTVF community to come together!

Goldie Beck

Public Relations Co-Chair

Declan Franey

Tech Manager

Alyssa Rubin

Finance Co-Chair

Lynne Park

Film Manager

Brooke Scott

Community Engagement Co-Chair

Brooke is a junior RTVF major and French and Sociology minor from Miami, Florida. She loves screenwriting and directing, but also loves just hanging out on sets with the best film students in the Midwest (alternatively: the world). After working on Studio 22 as a film manager last year, she's extremely excited to be back again this year in a new position. The Studio 22 weekly newsletter is her child, and with Mia's collaboration, they will succeed in making it bigger than the New York Times.

James Lee

Script Development Co-Chair

James is a sophomore RTVF major from Northbrook, IL. He is involved with groups such as Vertigo Productions, One Book One Northwestern, and Applause for a Cause, and is an award-winning screenwriter and playwright. Off-campus, he is a member of the Chicago Indie Critics and GALECA, with reviews written for films premiering at the Sundance, New York, and Tribeca Film Festivals.

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